To make tarte flambée specialities, every single production step needs to be aimed at one thing: premium quality

Out­stan­ding taste and con­sis­tent qua­lity is what sets us apart from the rest, whe­ther we’re making 5 tarte flam­bées or 5,000 – and you can tell with every bite. To make sure it stays that way, we employ com­pre­hen­sive qua­lity and inno­va­tion stan­dards that cover our pro­prie­tary pro­duc­tion method as well as pack­a­ging, sto­rage and the entire purcha­sing pro­cess. Spea­king of purcha­sing: we sel­ect our raw mate­ri­als with care and a holi­stic view. At Gusto Pala­tino, we only list cer­ti­fied sup­pli­ers that we have audi­ted ourselves.

Our fully-automated production method is unparalleled throughout the world

Qua­lity and quan­tity equ­als satis­fac­tion, and that’s what counts for our cus­to­mers. Our two pro­duc­tion loca­ti­ons ope­rate com­ple­tely inde­pendently of one ano­ther, allo­wing us to estab­lish and assure con­sis­tent deli­very relia­bi­lity, aided by our fully-auto­ma­ted manu­fac­ture pro­cess that is as close to hand-made as you can get. Howe­ver, the machi­nes that make this pro­ce­dure pos­si­ble are not available on the mar­ket; that’s why we con­s­truct our own tech­no­logy. To secure and deve­lop this know-how, we have crea­ted our own tech­no­logy com­pany. With excel­lent results: in Hau­en­stein, we pro­duce a daily capa­city of up to 200,000 tarte flam­bée bases, using equip­ment that is uni­que worldwide.

When it comes to pro­duc­tion, we don’t leave any­thing up to chance. Our pro­ces­ses are run in accordance with pre­cis­ely defi­ned para­me­ters: our cut­ters, for exam­ple, cut the dough pre­cis­ely to spe­ci­fied shapes and sizes. For our ready-made fro­zen tarte flam­bées, we use fully-auto­ma­ted cream dosing to spread our tarte flam­bée cream as thinly as pos­si­ble. We also use fully-auto­ma­ted pro­ces­ses in pack­a­ging, flash free­zing and sto­rage, with pre­cis­ely defi­ned para­me­ters that we moni­tor con­sci­en­tiously. Con­sis­tent qua­lity guaranteed.

At Gusto Palatino, quality assurance starts before production – with the choice of our raw materials

Pre­mium qua­lity from the start – that is our pro­mise to our cus­to­mers. That’s why we main­tain close, per­so­nal cont­act to our sup­pli­ers, and examine raw mate­ri­als and pro­ces­ses at their place of ori­gin, whe­ther that means on a field or in a dairy. We know all there is to know about our raw mate­ri­als and their cha­rac­te­ristics. Take our grain, for exam­ple, which is ground in regio­nal mills using tra­di­tio­nal craft methods in accordance with spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments. As a result, our ingre­di­ents meet the pre­cise needs of our spe­cial manu­fac­tu­ring methods.

When purcha­sing our raw mate­ri­als, we make sure we keep our deli­very rou­tes as short as pos­si­ble. This enables us to keep in close cont­act with our sup­pli­ers whilst ensu­ring fres­her foods and an imme­diate, posi­tive impact on our envi­ron­ment. When it comes to food safety, we use the Inter­na­tio­nal Food Stan­dard IFS and are audi­ted regu­larly so that our com­pli­ance with this stan­dard can be cer­ti­fied. Every pro­duc­tion step is con­sci­en­tiously recor­ded and moni­to­red, from the mixing of the dough to the pack­a­ging of the tar­tes in a con­trol­led atmo­sphere. When sto­ring our pro­ducts, we take the utmost care to main­tain the coo­ling chain.

Our packaging provides perfect protection, and can be equipped with your individual label on request

When our pro­ducts lea­ven Hau­en­stein, they often face an arduous jour­ney and need to endure trans­port, sto­rage and coo­ling wit­hout dama­ges or qua­lity los­ses. To ensure per­fect pro­tec­tion, we coope­rate with pro­fes­sio­nal manu­fac­tu­r­ers of pack­a­ging mate­ri­als. This gua­ran­tees that our pack­a­ging is air­tight and mois­ture-proof whilst ensu­ring that the bases do not stick tog­e­ther when taken out of their packaging.

We also have high stan­dards when it comes to print qua­lity, as we offer cus­to­mi­sed, indi­vi­dual labels for our pack­a­ging, accor­ding to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and requests. At Gusto Pala­tino, our pack­a­ging logi­stics are also fully-auto­ma­ted. Our fresh bases and ready-made fro­zen tarte flam­bées are packa­ged in accordance with the hig­hest hygiene stan­dards. In the course of this, we con­sci­en­tiously moni­tor and check each step of the pro­cess to ensure our pro­ducts are deli­vered to you in the best condition.


We have set up a report­ing pro­ce­dure so that we can reco­g­nise and resolve pro­blems at an early stage before peo­ple or the envi­ron­ment are actually har­med. If you, as a per­son directly or indi­rectly affec­ted, reco­g­nise a human rights, envi­ron­men­tal or other risk or a breach of duty, please report it via one of the fol­lo­wing channels:

  1. Email to
  2. By let­ter (anony­mously if neces­sary) to Gusto Pala­tino GmbH & Co KG, Phil­ipp Wies­köt­ter, Alte Bun­des­straße 19, 76846 Hauenstein
  3. By tele­phone on +49 (0) 6392–923-2785
  4. Per­so­nally in a con­fi­den­tial conversation

Some Gusto Pala­tino cus­to­mers have also set up cen­tres that you can cont­act.
Our part­ner Was­gau, for exam­ple, can be cont­ac­ted at