
The Com­pany
Our suc­cess story star­ted in 2006. Back then, three visio­na­ries foun­ded Gusto Pala­tino GmbH & Co. KG in Hau­en­stein in the Süd­west­pfalz dis­trict of Ger­many. They shared a love of authen­tic, Alsa­tion culinary delights, and above all a pas­sion for tarte flam­bées. As sup­pli­ers in the cate­ring indus­try, they had pre­viously gathe­red a wealth of expe­ri­ence and know­ledge, which they focu­sed on this sin­gle speciality.

Their aim: to create the pre­fect tarte flam­bée base using highly auto­ma­ted pro­duc­tion methods. Rea­li­sing this plan took long years of expe­ri­men­ting, test­ing and alig­ning tech­no­logy and pre­pa­ra­tion, not to men­tion their search for the best ingre­di­ents. Today, Gusto Pala­tino uses cut­ting-edge methods to pro­duce uni­que, high-qua­lity tarte flam­bée spe­cial­ties. Our two loca­ti­ons are situa­ted close to Alsace and the French Bor­der, with an annual capa­city of 30 mil­lion tarte flam­bées and bases – exclu­si­vely for resel­lers and pro­fes­sio­nal customers.


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