When you focus on just one product like we do, you soon know it inside and out 

Our suc­cess story star­ted in 2006. Back then, three visio­na­ries foun­ded Gusto Pala­tino GmbH & Co. KG in Hau­en­stein in the Süd­west­pfalz dis­trict of Ger­many. They shared a love of authen­tic, Alsa­tion culinary delights, and above all a pas­sion for tarte flam­bées. As sup­pli­ers in the cate­ring indus­try, they had pre­viously gathe­red a wealth of expe­ri­ence and know­ledge, which they focu­sed on this sin­gle speciality.

Their aim: to create the pre­fect tarte flam­bée base using highly auto­ma­ted pro­duc­tion methods. Rea­li­sing this plan took long years of expe­ri­men­ting, test­ing and alig­ning tech­no­logy and pre­pa­ra­tion, not to men­tion their search for the best ingre­di­ents. Today, Gusto Pala­tino uses cut­ting-edge methods to pro­duce uni­que, high-qua­lity tarte flam­bée spe­cia­li­ties. Our two loca­ti­ons are situa­ted close to Alsace and the French Bor­der, with an annual capa­city of 30 mil­lion tarte flam­bées and bases – exclu­si­vely for resel­lers and pro­fes­sio­nal customers.

A tarte flambée is more than just an Alsation tradition: it’s a success story with global market potential

When we think about Alsace, the first things that come to mind are good wines, good com­pany, and crisp, freshly-baked tarte flam­bées straight off the ser­ving board. What star­ted as a rustic snack enjoyed by Alsa­ti­ons as they baked bread tog­e­ther soon con­que­red wine fes­ti­vals before finally making its way into restau­rants, as tarte flam­bées are easy to make and extre­mely tasty – whe­ther ser­ved as street food, as a snack or as the spe­cia­lity of an entire cate­ring business.

The Alsa­tion joie de vivre attracts visi­tors from around the world, and tarte flam­bées are a slice of pure, unadul­tera­ted Alsace. The tarte’s con­ti­nuing popu­la­rity pro­ves its huge mar­ket poten­tial. At Gusto Pala­tino, we reco­g­nised this poten­tial at an early stage and are spe­cia­li­sed in the pro­duc­tion, deve­lo­p­ment and sale of authen­tic, Alsa­tion tarte flam­bée products.

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, our tarte flambée products meet the requirements of large-scale consumers

To deve­lop the full poten­tial of tarte flam­bées for large-scale con­su­mers, we first had to adapt our pro­duc­tion to the requi­re­ments of modern cate­ring and retail. To put it dif­fer­ently: high quan­ti­ties demand a high level of high-tech. This also means con­sis­t­ently main­tai­ning extre­mely high stan­dards, just as we do when it comes to our ingre­di­ents. We believe this is the only way to gua­ran­tee authen­tic taste, pre­mium con­ve­ni­ence qua­lity and abso­lute hygiene.

We have deve­lo­ped our own recipes and pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses, fine-tuning them for years to per­fect a manu­fac­tu­ring method that is as close to tra­di­tio­nal pre­pa­ra­tion by hand as you can pos­si­bly get. But for us, that’s still not enough. Today, we con­ti­nue to work on new, inno­va­tive methods to pro­vide our cus­to­mers a qua­lity they can rely on across all levels of con­ve­ni­ence, from chil­led fresh foods to our quick and easy fro­zen offers.

Our team’s combination of know-how and vision makes us the global benchmark for tarte flambées

Every pro­duc­tion area has its own requi­re­ments. That’s why we feel it is important to draw a clear line bet­ween core com­pe­ten­ces such as pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment, tech­no­logy, pro­duc­tion and sales, whilst at the same time embed­ding them in an inter­di­sci­pli­nary and com­ple­men­tary struc­ture. For this to work, the con­ti­nuous qua­li­fi­ca­tion, trai­ning and deve­lo­p­ment of our cur­rent employees and the trai­ning of new pro­fes­sio­nals is a cen­tral cor­po­rate strategy.

When it comes to our ser­vices in the fields of pro­duct and con­cept deve­lo­p­ment as well as to trai­nings and exper­tise buil­ding, we also believe in close coope­ra­ti­ons bet­ween our team and our cus­to­mers. Our deve­lo­pers and stra­te­gists are always on hand, as are our in-house semi­nar chefs at con­ve­ni­ent loca­ti­ons, such as our Com­pe­tence Cen­ter and our pro­prie­tary cate­ring estab­lish­ments. Our Gusto Pala­tino team has alre­ady estab­lished a pre­sence as a pro­du­cer and sup­plier throug­hout Europe, sup­port­ing you with our exten­sive sales exper­tise. In inter­na­tio­nal expan­si­ons, our experts build on our close coope­ra­ti­ons with long-stan­ding part­ners that have the appro­priate know-how and cor­re­spon­ding repu­ta­tion on the respec­tive markets.


We are respon­si­ble for han­ding over a liva­ble envi­ron­ment to future gene­ra­ti­ons. The­r­e­fore, we con­ti­nuously work on pro­du­cing our pro­ducts as envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly as pos­si­ble. This means, among other things, using locally sourced ingre­di­ents, redu­cing energy con­sump­tion and uti­li­zing rene­wa­ble ener­gies, mini­mi­zing pack­a­ging and making it recy­clable, and pro­mo­ting envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness among our employees and busi­ness part­ners in general.

Human Rights

The pro­tec­tion of human rights is an inte­gral part of our cor­po­rate cul­ture. We stron­gly oppose any form of human rights vio­la­ti­ons, forced labor, dis­cri­mi­na­tion, and other une­thi­cal prac­ti­ces, and actively col­la­bo­rate with our part­ners in the sup­ply chains to ensure that these high stan­dards are upheld at all stages. The 10 prin­ci­ples of the UN Glo­bal Com­pact serve as our gui­de­lines: https://www.globalcompact.de/ueber-uns